Extra visits to capture specific aspects of a build in detail can provide added interest to a film, and some customers choose regular time-lapse visits to supplement their fixed time-lapse camera.
How Does Regular Time-lapse Work?
Our regular short term time-lapse service basically involves one of our team coming to your site at regular intervals with a short duration time-lapse system and recording what is going on. The visits can be as often as you like, and although most of our clients choose the monthly option, it really is up to you and whatever suits your needs best.
We then spend about half a day on site using our temporary time-lapse cameras to film interesting things that are going on around site. We use Canon DSLR cameras and a variety of lenses to create a 4K film to suit whatever the needs of your project may be!
Example 1: Demolition of Battersea Gas holders
The Battersea gas holders project involved four long term time-lapse cameras as well as regular time-lapse visits to the site to capture what was going on each month. As you can see, this addition really makes for an interesting final film.
Example 2: London City Island
London City Island is a stunning new development, which includes 1706 residential homes over a land area of 48,563sq. 61,500sq metres for commercial use, 13,300sq m of retail space and 74,700sq m of leisure facility. Regenology had fixed long term cameras capturing time-lapse footage during the work, and one of our team also made regular visits to site to film additional short duration time-lapse from different various angles, which really captures finer details of the construction.
Example 3: Embassy Gardens
At Embassy Gardens we used a single fixed (long term) time-lapse camera, plus monthly visits with a short term time-lapse camera, to capture the finer details of the project. The footage from all of these cameras was then combined to create an interesting and engaging final film.
Add Regular Time-lapse to Your Project
It’s never too late to add regular time-lapse to your project, so please get in touch today to find out more!